Viola Bailey Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Viola Bailey

Viola Bailey has captured the hearts of many with her stunning looks and captivating charm. This Latvian actress and model has made a name for herself in the entertainment industry, gaining a large following for her work. She was born on March 3, 1993. And the age of 32 years old as of 2024.

With a career that spans over several years, Viola has become a prominent figure in the industry, known for her beauty and talent. In this blog post, we will delve into Viola Bailey’s age, career, family, net worth, and height, giving you a closer look into the life of this rising star. Keep reading to learn more about Viola Bailey in 2024.

Who is Viola Bailey ?

Viola Bailey is a lady from Latvia who acts in movies and models for pictures. People like her a lot because she looks very pretty and does her job well.

Viola Bailey

Viola has light skin, blonde hair like the sun, and green eyes that sparkle. She’s not very tall but has a big smile that makes people happy. Viola has done many things to become famous and lots of folks enjoy watching her in movies and seeing her pictures.


Full Name Viola Bailey (Stage Name)
Real Name Not publicly disclosed (kept as a personal treasure)
Date of Birth March 3, 1993
Age (as of 2024) 32 years old
Place of Birth Riga, Latvia
Nationality Latvian
Physical Appearance – Height: 5 feet 4 inches (162 cm)
– Weight: 52 kg
– Hair: Blonde
– Eyes: Green
Profession Actress and Model
Career Highlights – Started as a model, posing for photoshoots
– Transitioned into acting in movies
Famous For Her captivating looks, modeling, and acting roles
Net Worth Estimated between $190,000 to $612,000
Family – Parents: Supportive and loving
– Siblings: Possibly has brothers or sisters (not specified)
Marital Status Private (keeps personal relationships as a secret treasure)
Children Not disclosed (kept as a personal secret)
Early Life – Grew up in Riga, Latvia
– Loved playing pretend and fairy tales as a child
– Enjoyed school, especially drawing and singing
Education Attended school in Riga, Latvia

Viola Bailey Real name

Viola Bailey is what many people call her, but that’s not the name she was given when she was born. Just like how some superheroes have another name, like Clark Kent is Superman, Viola has her own special name that her family gave her.

This name is special to her and her family. It’s a secret kind of like a treasure. When she acts in movies or models for pictures, she uses “Viola Bailey” so everyone can easily remember her. But when she’s not working, she might use the name her mom and dad gave her, which is a little mystery.

Early Life and Education

Viola grew up in a city called Riga, in a country named Latvia. It’s a pretty place with lots of trees and buildings. When she was a little girl, she liked to play outside and make believe she was in fairy tales. Viola went to school like you do.

She learned to read, write, and do math. Viola also loved to draw pictures and sing songs. School was a place where she made friends and learned new things every day. Just like you, she had favorite subjects and some that were a bit tricky. But she always tried her best.

Parents and Siblings

Viola Bailey grew up in a family that loved her very much. She has a mommy and daddy who always supported her dreams, just like your parents cheer you on! Viola also might have brothers or sisters, just like some of you do.

Imagine having fun, playing games, and sharing stories with your siblings; Viola probably did the same with hers if she has any. Families are like teams; they stick together and help each other. Viola’s family helped her to become the talented person she is today, sharing lots of love and happy moments together.

Husband and Boyfriend

Viola Bailey likes to keep her heart matters a secret, just like a hidden treasure. She believes some stories are special and only for her. Just like in fairy tales where princesses have secrets, Viola also has her own.

Whether she has a prince charming or a knight in shining armor, she thinks it’s important to keep some parts of her life like a beautiful secret garden. It’s like having a diary with a lock on it, where only you know the combination. This way, Viola makes sure her heart’s story is safe and sound.

Viola Bailey Children

Viola Bailey has a magical world of her own, but whether she has little princes or princesses as part of her fairy tale hasn’t been shared. Just like some stories have secret chapters, Viola keeps this part of her life like a hidden treasure map.

It’s a special secret garden where only she knows what grows. So, we don’t know if she has kids who play and laugh in her world. But just like in any good story, the magic comes from the adventures and love shared, and that’s a beautiful secret all on its own.

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Viola Bailey is like a princess from a storybook who is 32 years old. She is as tall as a garden fence, standing 5 feet 4 inches high. Viola weighs is 52kg.

She shines brightly with her sunny blonde hair and eyes as green as the leaves in springtime. Viola looks after herself, just like how you would take care of your favorite toy, making sure it’s always ready for the next adventure. Her smile is as wide as the rainbow, welcoming everyone into her magical world.

Viola Bailey Before fame

Before Viola Bailey became famous, she was a girl with big dreams. She lived in Riga, the same city where she was born. Imagine a little girl, just like you, with lots of ideas and stories in her head. She loved to play pretend, imagining she was in magical places.

Viola also liked to dress up and show off her style, even before cameras started clicking her picture. She went to school and learned many things, just like you do every day. Viola’s journey to fame began with her simply being herself, having fun, and believing in her dreams.

Viola Bailey Career

Viola Bailey began her journey in front of cameras, showing off her pretty dresses and big smiles. She became a model, posing for pictures that many people saw and loved. Then, Viola started acting in movies, becoming a character from the stories she enjoyed.

She worked hard, learning her lines and how to be just like the people in her roles. Viola showed everyone how talented she was, making pretend worlds seem real. Her dream of being in fairy tales and adventures came true, as she became a star that shines bright in the sky of movies and modeling.

Social Media Presence

Viola Bailey is like a star not just in movies but also on the internet. She uses social media to share bits of her life, just like when you share your favorite toy with a friend. On her pages, she posts pictures of her adventures, pretty dresses, and sometimes, the yummy food she makes.

It’s like she invites us into her magical world through a screen. Kids and grown-ups from all around can see what she’s up to, just like flipping through a picture book. Even though we can’t jump into the photos, it feels like we’re part of her adventures!

Famous Reason

Viola Bailey became really popular because she’s super good at pretending to be different people in movies and looking pretty in photos as a model. She dresses up in fun outfits and makes believe she’s in fairy tales or exciting adventures, which lots of people like to watch.

When Viola acts in movies, she makes the stories feel real, as if you’re right there with her on an adventure. She also shares pictures and stories online, letting friends all over the world see her smiling face and beautiful places she visits. That’s why so many people think she’s special.

Net Worth and Achievement

Viola Bailey has done some pretty amazing things! She’s like a treasure hunter, but instead of looking for gold, she finds success and happiness in her work. Imagine having a big jar where you put stars in it every time you do something great. Her net worth is $190,000 to $612,000 . 

Viola’s jar is full of stars because she’s been in movies and has lots of people who like her photos. People think her work is worth a lot, kind of like having a big pile of shiny coins. She’s like a superhero in her job, saving the day with her talent and hard work.

Nationality and Religion

Viola Bailey comes from a faraway place called Latvia, making her Latvian. It’s a country with beautiful cities and lots of history. Just like how everyone has their own favorite color, people also have beliefs that are special to them.

Viola, like many people from Latvia, might have her own beliefs. Religion is Christianity.  However, what Viola believes in her heart is something she keeps private, like a secret story only she knows the end to.

Legacy and Impact

Viola Bailey has spread smiles and inspired many people around the world with her movies and modeling. She teaches us to dream big and work hard to make those dreams come true. Viola shows that being yourself is the best thing you can be, and sharing happiness with others makes the world a brighter place.

Through her stories and pictures, she invites us into a world of wonder, encouraging us to find our own magic in everyday life. Her journey reminds us to believe in ourselves and to chase after what makes us happy, leaving a trail of joy and inspiration for others to follow.

Viola Bailey Hobbies

  • Viola loves to read. She enjoys stories about adventures and magic. Reading takes her to new places without leaving home.
  • She plays the guitar. It’s fun and makes her happy. She learns new songs often.
  • Viola likes to visit new places. She enjoys seeing different things and meeting new people.
  • Making yummy food is one of her hobbies. She tries new recipes and shares them with friends.
  • Taking pictures of beautiful things is something Viola enjoys. She captures memories with her camera.
  • Viola has a garden. She grows flowers and vegetables. It’s exciting to see them grow.
  • She likes to draw. With pencils and colors, she creates pretty pictures.
  • These are things Viola Bailey loves to do. They make her happy and bring joy to her days.

Viola Bailey Favorite Things

  • Viola loves stories filled with magical adventures. They are her favorite type of books to read.
  • She enjoys strumming the guitar and learning new songs. It’s one of her favorite things to do.
  • Discovering new places and meeting different people makes Viola very happy. She loves to travel.
  • Making yummy dishes is fun for her. She likes trying out new recipes.
  • Viola enjoys taking photos of beautiful things. It’s one of her favorite hobbies.
  • She has a garden where she grows flowers and vegetables. Watching them grow is exciting for her.
  • With pencils and colors, Viola creates pretty pictures. Drawing is something she loves to do.

Interesting Facts About Viola Bailey

  • Viola was born in a beautiful city in Latvia.
  • She has pretty green eyes that look like shiny emeralds.
  • Her hair is blonde, like the sun on a bright day.
  • Viola is not just famous for acting but also for being a model.
  • She celebrates her birthday on the 3rd of March every year.
  • Viola is taller than most of her friends, standing at 5 feet 4 inches.
  • She loves to read books about magical places and adventures.
  • Playing the guitar is one of her fun hobbies.
  • Viola enjoys traveling to new places and meeting new friends.
  • She likes making tasty food and sharing it with her friends.
  • Taking pictures of beautiful things makes her happy.
  • Viola has a garden where she grows colorful flowers and yummy vegetables.


What does Viola Bailey do?

Viola acts in movies and also models. She takes pictures and walks on runways.

How old is Viola?

She was born on March 3, 1993. You can count from that year to this year to find out how old she is now.

Where is Viola from?

She comes from a place called Latvia. It’s a country far away with beautiful cities.

What are Viola’s favorite things to do?

She loves reading books about magic, playing the guitar, traveling to new places, cooking tasty food, taking photos, and drawing.

Does Viola have any pets or hobbies?

Yes, she enjoys gardening where she grows flowers and veggies. She also likes drawing and taking pictures.

Can I see Viola in movies?

Yes, you can find movies she acts in. She plays different roles and wears different costumes.

Is Viola Bailey her real name?

It’s the name she is known by in her acting and modeling career. Sometimes people in movies use special names.


Viola Bailey is a special lady from Latvia. She acts in movies and is also a model. Viola loves doing many fun things like reading magic stories, playing guitar, traveling, cooking, taking photos, and drawing. She has a big heart for adventures and creating beautiful things.

Viola is known for her pretty green eyes and sunny hair. She shares her joy through her hobbies and work. Remember, Viola teaches us to find happiness in what we love doing. She shows us that being kind and sharing our joys with friends can make a big difference. Let’s be inspired by Viola to enjoy our own adventures and hobbies too!


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