Jessenia Rebecca Age , Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Jessenia Rebecca

Jessenia Rebecca! This talented comedian and content creator has captured the hearts and funny bones of audiences all over the world. But while we may know her for her hilarious videos and reels, there’s still so much more to discover about Jessenia. She was born on August 17, 1995.

From her age and career to her family and net worth, we’ll be delving into all the details of this internet sensation. So sit back, relax, and get ready to learn all about Jessenia Rebecca in this 2024 biography update. At the age of 29 years old as of 2024.

Who is Jessenia Rebecca ?

Jessenia Rebecca is a super funny lady who loves to make people laugh with her videos. She makes these videos and shares them on the internet for everyone to see. Jessenia was born in a place called California, where it’s usually very sunny.

Jessenia Rebecca

She likes to tell jokes, play with her pets, dance to music, and draw pictures. Jessenia has many friends online who enjoy watching her funny videos. She is very good at creating fun moments and sharing them with others, making her a special person to lots of people around the world.


Category Details
Full Name Jessenia Rebecca
Date of Birth August 17, 1995
Age (2024) 29 years old
Place of Birth California, USA
Height 5 feet 2 inches
Weight 50 kg
Nationality American
Religion Christianity
Career Comedian and content creator
Net Worth Approximately $2 million USD
Famous For Creating funny videos that bring joy and laughter
Social Media Presence Active on YouTube and Instagram
Hobbies Making funny videos, drawing, playing with pets, dancing, reading, traveling
Favorite Things Laughing, favorite treats, sunny weather, funny movies, puppies, the beach, coloring
Family Supportive parents; details about siblings are not widely publicized
Personal Life Keeps personal life private; not publicly known if she has a partner or children
Early Life Grew up in California, attended local schools, enjoyed drawing and telling jokes
Career Start Began creating and sharing funny videos online; gained popularity through her humor and creativity
Achievements Awards for comedic talent, significant social media following
Legacy Known for spreading joy and positivity; has a significant impact through her humorous content
Interesting Facts Born in sunny California, maintains privacy about personal life, loves animals, enjoys dancing and traveling

Jessenia Rebecca Real Name

Jessenia Rebecca might sound like a superhero name because of how awesome she is at making people laugh, but guess what? That’s her real name too! Just like how some of your friends might have two names, Jessenia does too.

But when she’s making videos and filling our day with giggles, she likes to use her full name, Jessenia Rebecca. It’s a special name for a very special person who brings so much joy and fun to everyone. So, when you hear “Jessenia Rebecca,” think of smiles, laughter, and lots of happiness.

Early Life and Education

Growing up in California, Jessenia Rebecca loved to laugh and make others giggle from a very young age. She went to a school nearby where she made lots of friends by sharing her funny stories and jokes.

Jessenia was also very creative in class, especially during art time when she could draw and paint, showing her early love for making fun videos. She liked reading books too, especially the ones that made her laugh out loud. School was not just about learning regular subjects for Jessenia; it was also where she discovered how much joy she could spread by simply being herself.

Parents and Siblings

Jessenia Rebecca has a family who loves her very much. She has a mommy and a daddy who always cheer her on and make her feel special. She also might have brothers or sisters, who are like friends that you live with.

They play together, share secrets, and sometimes they even help Jessenia come up with funny ideas for her videos. Imagine having fun all day with your family, laughing and playing games. That’s what Jessenia’s life with her parents and siblings is probably like. Just like in any family, they stick together and share lots of happy moments.

Husband and Boyfriend

Jessenia Rebecca likes to keep some parts of her life just for herself, like a secret treasure box. This includes whether she has a special someone, like a boyfriend or husband. Imagine you have a secret diary that you don’t share with everyone; it’s kind of like that.

So, we don’t know if she has someone special who makes her heart happy and dances with her in the kitchen. But that’s okay! What’s important is the laughter and joy she shares with us through her funny videos.

Jessenia Rebecca Children

Jessenia Rebecca is like a treasure box full of surprises, but when it comes to talking about having kids, it’s a part of her story she hasn’t shared with the world. Just like some things are special secrets you keep in your heart or in a hidden diary, Jessenia has kept this part of her life just for her.

So, we don’t know if she has any little ones running around, laughing, and playing games with her. But that’s okay! What we do know is she fills our days with laughter and fun with her videos, and that’s a pretty cool thing!

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Jessenia Rebecca was born on a bright and sunny day, August 17, 1995. If you count the years from then to now, you can figure out how old she is! Jessenia has a big smile and eyes that sparkle like stars when she laughs. She is 29 years old.

Her height is 5 feet 2 inches, and weight is 50kg,  but that’s okay because what’s really special about her is how she brings laughter and joy, not numbers on a scale. Jessenia loves to dance and play, and her energy is as bright as her sunny California home.

Jessenia Rebecca Before fame

Before Jessenia Rebecca became a big internet star, she was just like any other kid. She went to school, played with her friends, and had fun with her family. Jessenia loved to tell jokes and make funny videos, even when she was very young.

She enjoyed being silly and making people laugh, but she didn’t know that one day, lots of people all over the world would see her videos. She is always had a big dream to share her happiness and laughter with everyone, and she worked hard to make that dream come true.

Jessenia Rebecca Career

Jessenia Rebecca started making funny videos just for fun. One day, she decided to share her videos online, and lots of people started watching them. They loved how Jessenia made them laugh. So, she kept making more videos, and more and more people started to follow her.

Jessenia became famous because she was so good at creating videos that made everyone smile. She works hard to think of new funny things to share. Jessenia’s job is to be a comedian and content creator, which means she makes stuff that people enjoy on the internet. She loves her job because she gets to make people happy every day.

Social Media Presence

Jessenia Rebecca loves sharing her funny videos and making people smile on the internet. You can find her on places like YouTube and Instagram where she posts lots of silly clips. Imagine opening your phone or computer and seeing a video from Jessenia that makes you laugh out loud.

That’s what it’s like to follow her! She has lots of friends online who wait excitedly for her next video. Jessenia’s fun personality shines through on social media, making her a favorite for kids and grown-ups who love to giggle.

Famous Reason

Jessenia Rebecca became really famous because of her super funny videos! People all over the world watch her videos to laugh and feel happy. When Jessenia shares a video, it’s like sharing a piece of joy.

She knows just how to make silly faces, tell funny jokes, and create giggly moments that everyone loves. It’s like she has a magic recipe for laughter. That’s why so many people follow her and can’t wait to see what funny thing she does next. Jessenia has a special way of making everyone’s day a little brighter with her humor.

Net Worth and Achievement

Jessenia Rebecca has done some pretty amazing things in her career. She has made lots of funny videos that many people love to watch. Because she’s so good at making people laugh, she’s earned some money from her videos. Her net worth is  net worth of about 2 million USD. 

Jessenia has also won awards for being super funny and creative. These awards are like gold stars that teachers give out in school for doing something great. So, Jessenia has lots of gold stars for making everyone giggle and smile with her work.

Nationality and Religion

Jessenia Rebecca was born in a sunny place called California, which is in a big country known as the United States of America. That makes her American! Just like we have friends from different places, Jessenia is from this special part of the world.

As for what she believes in,  Christianity like if she has a favorite story or belief that guides her, like a secret garden. Everyone has their own beliefs, and it’s important to respect them, just like we respect our friends’ favorite games or stories.

Legacy and Impact

Jessenia Rebecca has a big heart that spreads happiness everywhere. By sharing her funny videos, she teaches us that laughing and being positive can make a big difference. Even though she’s just one person, Jessenia shows everyone around the world how to find joy in small things.

She’s like a superhero of happiness, making the world a brighter place one laugh at a time. Jessenia helps us remember that being kind and having fun are super important. Thanks to her, more people smile and giggle every day, making her legacy a trail of laughter and joy.

Jessenia Rebecca Hobbies

Making funny videos: Jessenia loves to make people laugh. She uses her phone or camera to record silly and fun moments to share with everyone.

Drawing: Jessenia enjoys drawing pictures. Sometimes she draws cartoons or doodles of her funny ideas.

Playing with pets: Jessenia has a soft spot for animals. She spends time playing with pets, giving them treats, and teaching them tricks.

Dancing: When music plays, Jessenia can’t help but dance. She moves and shakes to the beat, making up her own dance moves.

Reading: Jessenia likes to read books, especially funny ones that make her laugh out loud.

Traveling: She loves to go to new places and see different things. Jessenia finds adventures everywhere she goes.

Jessenia Rebecca Favorite Thing

  • Jessenia loves to laugh a lot. She thinks laughing makes every day better.
  • This is her super favorite treat. She loves eating it anytime.
  • Jessenia enjoys when the sun is shining. It makes her happy and ready to play outside.
  • She likes watching movies that make her giggle. Funny movies are the best kind for her.
  • Jessenia adores puppies. She thinks they are so cute and loves to cuddle them.
  • Going to the beach is so much fun for her. She loves playing in the sand and water.
  • She enjoys coloring pictures with bright colors. It’s fun to make art.

Interesting Facts About Jessenia Rebecca

  • Jessenia was born in California where it’s sunny almost every day!
  • She makes super funny videos that make a lot of people laugh.
  • Even though she’s famous, Jessenia keeps her personal life very private.
  • She loves to play with pets and has a big heart for animals.
  • Jessenia is really good at making up her own dance moves to any music.
  • She enjoys drawing and coloring, creating fun and silly pictures.
  • Traveling is one of her favorite things to do; she loves adventures!
  • Jessenia finds reading funny books super fun because they make her giggle.


What does Jessenia Rebecca like to do for fun?

Jessenia loves making people laugh with her funny videos. She also enjoys drawing, playing with pets, dancing, reading fun books, going on adventures, and playing at the beach.

How old is Jessenia Rebecca?

Jessenia was born on August 17, 1995. You can figure out how old she is by counting from that year to this year!

Does Jessenia Rebecca have any pets?

Yes, Jessenia loves animals and enjoys spending time playing with pets.

Where was Jessenia born?

Jessenia was born in California, where it’s sunny and nice almost every day.

What makes Jessenia Rebecca laugh?

Jessenia loves laughing a lot, especially at funny movies and books that make her giggle.

Can Jessenia dance?

Yes, Jessenia loves to dance! She creates her own dance moves when she hears music.

What religion is Rebecca St James?

James, is an Australian American contemporary Christian singer, songwriter and actress. She began performing in Australia in the late 1980s. In 1991, she released her first full-length studio album.

What is first love religion?

First Love Society aims to unite and mobilize Spirit-filled (Charismatic) Christians and students interested in Charismatic Christianity on campus. We seek those with a First Love for the Lord. Our passion for God and the Holy Spirit is derived from the words of Jesus in Revelation 2:4.

Is Rebecca mentioned in the Quran?

Although not mentioned by name in the Qur’an, she is referenced and alluded to via the story of her husband. She lived with Abraham her whole life. Although she was barren, God promised her a prophetic son and a prophetic grandson named Ya`qūb (Jacob).

What did Rebecca ask God?

She prayed to the LORD and said, “What is happening to me?” The LORD said to her, “The leaders of two nations are in your body. Two nations will come from you, and they will be divided. One of them will be stronger, and the older will serve the younger.” When the right time came, Rebekah gave birth to twins.

Was Rebecca married at 3?

Isaac was twenty-six then, and forty when he married Rebekah (Gen. 25:20). So, she was fourteen when she married (Seder Olam Rabbah 1). Another tradition says she was three years and three days old when she left her father’s house (Tractate Soferim, Hosafah [addition] 1, 1:4).

Is it OK to marry first love?

Yes, your first love can be your love for the rest of your life. Some people never get over their first love, and if you marry yours, you don’t have to get over them.

Is Rebecca an Arab name?

Rebecca or Rebekah (Hebrew: רִבְקָה Rīvqa) is a feminine given name of Hebrew origin. It is the name of the biblical figure Rebecca, wife of Isaac and mother of Jacob and Esau.


In the end, Jessenia Rebecca is a super funny lady who makes a lot of people happy with her videos. She was born on a sunny day in California and loves to do many fun things like making jokes, playing with cute animals, dancing, and going on cool adventures.

Even though we don’t know everything about her life, that’s okay because she shares lots of joy and laughter with us. Jessenia shows us it’s great to laugh, be kind, and have fun every day. She’s a true star in making the world a happier place with her smiles and giggles.


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