Robert Z’Dar Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Robert Z’Dar

Robert Z’Dar was an American actor and film producer who was born on June 3, 1950, in Avondale, Chicago. He was known for his unique facial structure and was often referred to as “The Chin”.

Z’Dar gained recognition for his role as Matt Cordell in the cult horror film Maniac Cop and its sequels. He sadly passed away on March 30, 2015, at the age of 64 years.  in Pensacola, Florida.

Who is Robert Z’Dar ?

Robert Z’Dar was a famous actor, kind of like the heroes you see in movies. He was really tall and had a big smile. People remembered him because of his very big chin, which is why they called him “The Chin.” He pretended to be a police officer in a movie series called Maniac Cop, where he chased bad guys and tried to save the day.

Robert Z’Dar

Robert loved acting and making movies too. He was like a real-life superhero, using his talents to tell stories that could make you laugh, scream, or even jump with excitement. Just like in comics, he was someone people looked up to because he was brave and did cool things on screen.


Full Name Robert James Zdarsky
Stage Name Robert Z’Dar
Nickname “The Chin”
Birth Date June 3, 1950
Place Avondale, Chicago, Illinois
Date March 30, 2015
Death Place Pensacola, Florida
Age at Death 64 years old
Height 6 feet
Weight 88 kilograms
Nationality American
Occupation Actor, Film Producer
Famous Roles Matt Cordell in Maniac Cop series
Other Notable Roles Tango & Cash, Samurai Cop
Known For Unique facial structure, especially his large chin
Early Life Grew up in Chicago, interested in stories, plays, drawing, and music
Parents Supportive parents, encouraged him to follow his dreams
Siblings Details not widely known
Education Not specified
Personal Life Kept private, little known about relationships or children
Social Media Presence Not active during his time, information mostly from movies and interviews
Hobbies Watching movies, reading comic books, collecting action figures, playing guitar, drawing, exploring nature
Things Food: Pizza (cheese and pepperoni)
Movies: Superhero movies (favorite: Batman)
Music: Rock and Roll
Color: Blue
Animals: Dogs
Treat: Vanilla ice cream
Before Fame Regular kid with big dreams, enjoyed acting out movie scenes, drawing, and playing music
Career Highlights Famous for Maniac Cop, acted in various genres including horror and action, also involved in film production
Condition Cherubism, a genetic disorder causing excessive bone growth in the lower face
Legacy and Impact Known for his unique appearance, memorable roles, and contribution to horror genre; inspired people to embrace their uniqueness and follow their dreams
Net Worth $1.6 million

Robert Z’Dar Real name

Robert Z’Dar’s real name was a bit different from what we call him. His full name was Robert James Zdarsky. It’s a long name, isn’t it? When he became an actor, he chose to use a shorter name, Robert Z’Dar, so it was easier for everyone to remember.

Just like sometimes we have nicknames or shorter versions of our names, Robert picked a special name for his movies. So, when you hear Robert Z’Dar, you know it’s Robert James Zdarsky, the man with the big smile and the big chin, who loved to act in movies and make stories come to life.

Early Life and Education

Robert Z’Dar grew up in a place called Chicago, where there are lots of big buildings and parks. When he was a little boy, just like you, he went to school every day. Robert liked to learn about different things, especially about stories and plays.

He was also interested in drawing and music, which are fun activities where you can create anything you imagine. In school, Robert made lots of friends by sharing his interests in movies and comics. He always had fun ideas for games they could play together. His love for acting and movies started when he was very young, just like you are now!

Parents and Siblings

Robert Z’Dar grew up with his family in Chicago, a big city with lots of tall buildings. He had a mom and a dad who loved him very much. They always told him to follow his dreams and to be kind to everyone.

Robert also had brothers and sisters, but their names are a little bit of a mystery. Just like in a game of hide and seek, we don’t know much about them, but we do know they were part of his team. His family was very important to him, and they helped him become the superstar he was.

Wife and girlfriend

Robert Z’Dar was someone many people thought was very cool and interesting. He met many friends throughout his life because of his movies. Even though we know a lot about the movies he made and the characters he played, Robert kept his personal life, like who he might have dated or if he had a wife, pretty private.

This means he didn’t talk much about his relationships in interviews or shows. So, we don’t have a lot of stories about that part of his life, just like how some superheroes keep their true identity a secret.

Robert Z’Dar Children

About Robert Z’Dar’s children, there isn’t much information out there. It seems like Robert kept that part of his life really private, just like a superhero keeps their secret identity hidden.

So, we don’t know if he had kids who wanted to follow in his footsteps and become actors or movie makers like him. Sometimes, people like to keep their family life just to themselves, and that’s okay. It’s like when you have a special secret or a favorite toy that you only share with your closest friends or keep just for yourself.

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Robert Z’Dar  was died on March 30, 2015. was a very tall man, like a giant you might see in a fairy tale. He stood big and strong, much taller than most of his friends. When he smiled, his whole face would light up, especially because of his big chin, which was quite famous. His height is 6.o feet and weight is 88 kilograms. 

People liked to say he looked like a superhero because of how tall and strong . you can imagine him being as tall as a basketball player, towering over everyone else with a smile.

Robert Z’Dar Before fame

Before becoming a movie star, Robert Z’Dar was just like any other kid who had big dreams. He went to school, played with friends, and had lots of hobbies. He loved watching movies and acting out his favorite scenes.

Robert also liked to draw and play music, creating stories and songs from his imagination. He didn’t start out famous; he worked hard and believed in himself. He showed everyone that with passion and practice, you can achieve your dreams. Just like in a fairy tale, Robert’s journey from a regular kid to a movie star was filled with adventure and learning.

Robert Z’Dar Career

Robert Z’Dar had a fun job; he was an actor, which means he got to pretend to be different characters in movies. Imagine playing dress-up but as your job! He was most famous for playing a police officer in a movie called “Maniac Cop.”

He didn’t just act in scary movies; he also appeared in funny and action-packed films. Being an actor, Robert got to work with other people who loved telling stories through movies, just like him. He also helped make movies, which means he got to decide some of the fun things that happened in them.

Social Media Presence

Robert Z’Dar didn’t use social media like we do with Instagram or Twitter. Remember, when Robert was making movies, these apps weren’t around yet. So, he didn’t share pictures or stories online like some of your favorite movie stars do today.

Instead, people would learn about him from watching his movies or reading interviews in magazines. If you wanted to know what he was doing or see behind-the-scenes of his movies, you had to wait for special TV shows or articles written about him. It’s very different from how we can instantly see what’s happening with celebrities now!

Famous Reason

Robert Z’Dar became famous because he was in a movie series called “Maniac Cop” where he played a good police officer who becomes a hero in a very spooky way. He was known for his big chin and strong look which made him perfect for the role.

People liked how he acted in these movies and started to know him as “The Chin”. He also did a great job in other movies that made people laugh or sit on the edge of their seat. Because he played cool roles, lots of people around the world knew who he was.

Net Worth and Achievement

Robert Z’Dar worked really hard in movies and also helped make them. This means he did a lot of cool stuff in the movie world. People say that when you do a great job, you can earn lots of money for your piggy bank. Her Net Worth of $1.6 Million. 

Robert did just that! It’s like when you do chores and save up for something special, we do know he was very proud of his work, especially being the hero in “Maniac Cop”. Imagine getting gold stars for every movie you made, just like Robert did with his movies!

Nationality and Religion

Robert Z’Dar was born in a place called Chicago, which means he was an American, just like people who live in places like New York or California. Being American is like being part of a big team where everyone comes from different places.

About what he believed or his religion, it’s kind of like when we think about our favorite stories or the things that make us feel good inside. Robert kept those feelings and thoughts private, which is something people often do. It’s like having a special secret about what makes you happy or gives you hope.

Legacy and Impact

Robert Z’Dar left behind a big mark on movies, just like a superhero leaves their mark on the world. He showed that it’s okay to look different and that everyone has something special about them. Because of his movies, especially “Maniac Cop,” people all over the world remember him and his big chin.

Kids and grown-ups talk about his movies and the brave roles he played. Robert’s stories and the characters he brought to life help us remember to be brave, to stand out, and to chase our dreams, no matter what. His legacy is like a star that keeps shining in the movie sky.

Robert Z’Dar Hobbies

Watching Movies: Robert loved to watch all sorts of movies, especially scary ones and action-packed adventures. He enjoyed seeing other actors perform and getting new ideas for his roles.

Reading Comic Books: He had a big collection of comic books. His favorites were superhero stories where he could imagine himself as one of the heroes saving the day.

Collecting Action Figures: Robert collected action figures from different movies, including some from the movies he acted in. He liked to display them in his home.

Playing Music: He enjoyed playing the guitar. Sometimes, he would play songs he made up himself or try to learn tunes from his favorite bands.

Drawing: Robert liked to draw, especially characters from his favorite comic books or movies. He would use pencils and sometimes markers to bring his ideas to life on paper.

Exploring Nature: He loved to go for walks in the park or by the beach. Being outside and seeing the trees, birds, and the ocean made him very happy.

Robert Z’Dar Favorite Things

Pizza Time: Robert loved pizza. He thought cheese and pepperoni were the best toppings.

Superhero Movies: He liked movies where heroes save the day. Batman was his favorite.

Music to Dance to: Rock and Roll made him happy. He liked to dance to it.

Color Blue: Blue was his favorite color. It reminded him of the sky and the sea.

Playing with Dogs: Dogs made Robert smile. He loved playing fetch with them.

Video Games: He enjoyed playing games on his console, especially adventure ones.

Ice Cream on Hot Days: Vanilla ice cream was his go-to treat when it was warm outside.

Interesting Facts About Robert Z’Dar

  • Robert’s face was very unique, people called him “The Chin” because it was so different.
  • He played a police officer in a scary movie series called Maniac Cop.
  • Robert was not just an actor; he also helped make movies.
  • He was born in a place called Chicago but he moved to Florida later.
  • Robert really liked comic books, just like the ones superheroes are in.
  • Even though he acted in scary movies, he enjoyed watching all kinds of films.
  • He had a big smile and loved to share stories about his adventures in movies.


Did Robert Z’Dar really have a big chin?

Yes, his chin was very special and made him look unique, which is why people called him “The Chin.”

Was he in a superhero movie?

While Robert loved superhero movies, he was famous for playing a police officer in a scary movie series called Maniac Cop.

Did Robert Z’Dar make movies too?

Yes, he didn’t just act in movies; he also helped make them, which means he was very talented in creating stories for people to enjoy.

Where was Robert born?

He was born in a big city called Chicago but later moved to Florida where he lived by the beach.

What did Robert like to do for fun?

He enjoyed watching movies, playing with action figures, drawing, exploring outside, and playing music. He also loved pizza and vanilla ice cream!

What condition did Robert Z. Dar have?

He had a genetic disorder called Cherubism. It causes excessive bone growth in the lower face. This caused his enormous jawline. A former Chicago police officer.

Who is the big chin guy in Samurai Cop?

Robert James Zdarsky (June 3, 1950 – March 30, 2015) was a character actor and film producer, known as Robert Z’Dar. He is best known for playing officer Matt Cordell in the cult horror film Maniac Cop (1988) and its two sequels. He also appeared in Tango & Cash and Samurai Cop.

Who is the samurai killer?

In 2008, 18-year-old Morné Harmse entered his Krugersdorp high school on a Monday, armed with a samurai sword. He aimed to commit a massacre. His fantasy to make people “take notice” had been brewing for over a year. It was inspired by the Columbine high school killings.

Who is Japan’s national hero?

Sakamoto Ryōma (1836–1867) is one of Japan’s most beloved historical figures. As a loyalist to the Emperor, he helped overthrow Japan’s feudal Edo period shogunate. This paved the way for the modern Meiji government.

Who is the most powerful samurai master?

Most Japanese people know Musashi Miyamoto. He is Japan’s most famous, skilled swordsman. Among the Japanese, he is a myth. Westerners would compare him to Muhammad Ali or Michael Jordan. The life of Musashi is the gold standard of samurai in Japan.

Who killed Katana man?

Katana Man is stabbed three times in a row by Aki which summons the Curse Devil. The Curse Devil grabs Katana Man and violently kills him.

Who was the evilest samurai?

In the sengoku jidai, the “villain” is often Oda Nobunaga, lord of Owari. He was among the top contenders for supreme power. He rebelled against the decaying Ashikaga shogunate and overthrew it. Then, he launched a fierce campaign to take over all of Japan.

Who was the baddest samurai?

Miyamoto Musashi was an invincible samurai from Japan’s Edo period. He was probably the greatest swordsman ever. Musashi was born in Mimaska Province to a lesser noble family. He taught himself to sword fight at a young age.


Robert Z’Dar was a very special movie star with a big chin that made him look unique. He played a police officer in a spooky movie called Maniac Cop and loved superhero stories. He was very good at acting and also at making movies.

Robert liked to have fun by watching movies, reading comic books, and playing with action figures. He also enjoyed playing music, drawing, and spending time outside. His favorite things were pizza, superhero movies, and playing with dogs. Robert showed us that it’s cool to be different and to follow our dreams, just like the superheroes he admired.


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