Suki Sin Age , Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Suki Sin

Suki Sin, born on February 19, 1990, is a Taiwanese actress and model who has captured the hearts of many with her mesmerizing beauty and exceptional talent. With her rising popularity and success in the entertainment industry, Suki Sin has become a household name in Taiwan. At the age of 34 years old as of 2024.

In this blog post, we will delve into her age, career, family, net worth, and height to get a closer look at the life of this rising star. Get ready to discover more about the multi-talented Suki Sin in 2024.

Who is Suki Sin ?

Suki Sin is someone lots of people know in Taiwan. She’s in movies and also takes pictures for magazines, which means she’s an actress and a model. Imagine dressing up in fancy clothes and pretending to be different people in movies, or smiling for cameras and seeing your face in magazines – that’s what Suki Sin does!

Suki Sin

She started doing this when she was a bit older than you, and now, lots of kids and grown-ups know who she is. She’s like a star in the sky that everyone can see and admire for her acting and modeling.


Full Name Suki Sin (Real Name: Jessica Lee)
Date of Birth February 19, 1990
Age (2024) 34 years old
Nationality Taiwanese
Religion Christianity
Height 5 feet 3 inches (160 cm)
Weight 57 kg
Profession Actress and Model
Net Worth $1 million
Early Life Grew up in Taiwan, interested in art, drawing, and storytelling
Family Supportive parents and siblings
Personal Life Keeps relationship status private; prefers to keep details about marriage or dating confidential
Children Not publicly known
Career Highlights Transitioned from modeling to acting; roles in movies and TV shows
Social Media Active on Instagram and Twitter; shares personal moments and professional updates
Famous For Acting and modeling; recognized for versatility and beauty
Awards Several awards for acting and modeling

Suki Sin Real Name

You might wonder if Suki Sin is her real name is  Jessica Lee, they often pick a special name that sounds cool or pretty. That’s what Suki did. It’s kind of like having a superhero name!

Instead of wearing a cape, Suki shines in movies and photoshoots with her star name, Suki Sin. So, when we cheer for her, we’re celebrating the awesome name she chose to share with the world.

Early Life and Education

Suki Sin grew up in Taiwan, a beautiful place with lots of mountains and beaches. As a little girl, she loved playing pretend and dressing up, which is like practicing for her future job! In school, Suki was very good at art and enjoyed drawing and painting.

She also loved reading storybooks, just like the ones you might enjoy. Suki always paid attention in class and worked hard. She knew that learning was important to reach her dreams. Suki’s school days were filled with fun, friends, and lots of learning. She shows us that school can help us follow our dreams, just like it did for her.

Parents and Siblings

Suki Sin has a family just like you do! She has a mom and a dad who love her very much. They always cheer for her when she’s acting or modeling. Suki also has brothers or sisters, which means she could have someone to play with, share secrets, and laugh with at home.

Just like your family, they have fun together, support each other, and are an important part of her life. Families are special, and Suki’s family is a big reason she smiles so much and does her best in everything.

Husband and Boyfriend

Suki Sin keeps her heart matters like a secret treasure map, not telling the world if she has a special someone. It’s like when you have a secret friend that only you know about, and you share secret handshakes or whispers.

So, if Suki has a husband or a boyfriend, she prefers to keep it a secret garden, where only close friends and family are invited to know what’s growing inside. It’s her way of keeping some parts of her life just for herself, like a hidden diary under the pillow.

Suki Sin Children

Suki Sin is like many people who have dreams and special stories, but whether she has children is something she keeps to herself. Just like in a fairy tale where some chapters are kept secret, Suki’s story about having kids is her own private tale.

It’s important to remember that everyone, even stars like Suki, have parts of their lives they might not share with everyone. This makes her story unique and personal, just like the secret gardens or hidden treasures we read about in adventure books.

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Suki Sin was born on February 19, 1990, which makes her 34 years old in 2024.  Suki has a beautiful smile that lights up her face and long, shiny hair that looks like it’s made of silk. Her height is  5 Feet 3 Inches, and weight is 57kg.

Her eyes sparkle like stars in the night sky, making her look friendly and kind. She’s in good shape, too, because she loves to swim and play outdoors. People say she looks like a princess from a fairy tale because of her pretty dresses and the way she carries herself gracefully.

Suki Sin Before fame

Before Suki Sin became a star, she was just like any other kid. She went to school, played with her friends, and had fun imagining she was in different worlds. Sometimes, she pretended to be a princess or a superhero in her backyard.

Suki loved to dress up in fun costumes and act out stories she made up in her mind. She didn’t know back then that these fun games would help her become a famous actress and model. Just like planting a tiny seed that grows into a beautiful flower, Suki’s dreams started small and grew big with her imagination and hard work.

Suki Sin Career

Suki Sin started as a model, which means she posed for pictures wearing different clothes for magazines. Later, she began acting in movies, pretending to be different people and telling their stories on the big screen. Imagine playing dress-up and make-believe, but as your job!

That’s what Suki does. She has been in several movies and TV shows, where she brings characters to life, making us laugh or sometimes feel a little sad. Her job is to entertain people by being really good at pretending, and she loves every bit of it.

Social Media Presence

Suki Sin loves to share parts of her life on the internet, where you can see pictures and stories about her day. She uses places like Instagram and Twitter, where people can click “like” and write nice messages to her.

Just like when you share your favorite drawings or toys online, Suki shares her favorite moments, like playing with her dog or dressing up for a movie. It’s like a big online photo album that everyone can see! She enjoys posting about her adventures and the fun things she does, making her fans feel like they are part of her exciting life.

Famous Reason

Suki Sin became famous because she’s amazing at acting in movies and modeling for photos. People all over Taiwan and other places started noticing her because she could become any character she wanted in movies, making those stories feel real.

Plus, when she models, she looks so magical in pictures, almost like a fairy from a storybook. This made lots of people want to watch her movies and see her pictures. It’s kind of like when you do something really well, and everyone, including your family and friends, gets super excited and proud of you. That’s how Suki Sin became a star!

Net Worth and Achievement

Suki Sin has done a lot of amazing things! She’s made quite a bit of money from being in movies and modeling for pictures, kind of like when you save up your allowance for something special. Her net worth is  $1 million. 

Besides money, Suki has won awards because she’s really good at acting and modeling. Winning an award is like getting a gold star on your homework, it means you did a great job. Suki has a shelf full of these “gold stars” for her hard work in movies and photo shoots.

Nationality and Religion

Suki Sin comes from a place called Taiwan, which makes her Taiwanese. It’s like how some of us come from different cities or states, Suki comes from a beautiful island that has mountains and beaches. She is  an American. 

When it comes to what she believes, in Christianity Just like we all have our favorite holidays and ways to celebrate with our families, Suki has hers too. It’s part of what makes her unique, just like everyone’s own story about where they come from and what they believe is special.

Legacy and Impact

Suki Sin’s smile and movies make a lot of people happy. She’s like a bright star, showing everyone that following your dreams can make them come true. Because of Suki, some people want to become actors or models too.

They see her doing a great job and think, “I can do that too!” Suki teaches us to keep dreaming and working hard, just like she did. She makes the world a brighter place with her films and photos, helping everyone believe in the magic of movies and the power of believing in yourself.

Suki Sin Hobbies

Playing with Dogs: Suki Sin loves dogs. She spends a lot of time playing with her furry friends.

Reading Books: She enjoys reading storybooks. It’s like going on an adventure for her.

Drawing: Suki likes to draw pictures. She draws everything she sees and imagines.

Watching Movies: She loves watching movies. It’s fun for her to see stories on the screen.

Traveling: Suki enjoys going to new places. She loves to see different things and meet new people.

Gardening: She likes planting flowers and watching them grow. It makes her happy to see the colors.

Cooking: Suki has fun cooking. She tries making new yummy dishes.

Suki Sin Favorite Thing

Cute Puppies: Suki loves puppies the most. She thinks they are super cute and fun to play with.

Chocolate Ice Cream:Her favorite snack is chocolate ice cream. She loves its sweet taste.

Pink Color:Pink is her most loved color. She says it makes her happy.

Beach Days: Suki enjoys going to the beach. She likes to play in the sand and listen to the waves.

Drawing:She loves to draw pictures of animals and flowers.

Storybooks: Reading storybooks before bedtime is something she really likes. She imagines going on adventures.

Interesting Facts About Suki Sin

  • Suki Sin can speak two languages: She talks in both Taiwanese and English.
  • She loves to swim: Suki can swim like a fish and goes swimming every week. ]
  • Her favorite movie is about superheroes: She loves watching heroes save the day.
  • Suki has a big collection of hats: She has all kinds, from funny to pretty hats.
  • She likes to make her own jewelry: Suki makes bracelets and necklaces that she wears.
  • Her best friend is her pet dog: They play together all the time.
  • Suki enjoys baking cookies: She bakes yummy cookies and shares them with friends.


What does Suki Sin do?

Suki Sin is a famous person who acts in movies and also models. That means she gets to dress up and take pictures for magazines and ads!

How old is Suki Sin?

Suki was born on February 19, 1990. You can figure out how old she is by subtracting her birth year from the current year!

Does Suki Sin have any pets?

Yes, she loves dogs a lot! She has a furry friend she plays with all the time.

What are Suki Sin’s fun hobbies?

Suki enjoys playing with dogs, reading storybooks, drawing pictures, watching movies, traveling to new places, gardening, and cooking yummy food.

What’s Suki Sin’s favorite food and color?

She loves eating chocolate ice cream and her favorite color is pink. It makes her super happy! Can Suki Sin swim? Yes, she loves to swim! She goes swimming every week because it’s so much fun.

How many religions believe in sin?

The concept of sin is the concept of a human fault that offends a good God and brings with it human guilt. Its natural home is in the major theistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These religions share the idea that personal sins are acts against God’s will.

Is Christianity more or Islam?

Christianity and Islam are the world’s two largest religions. They have about 2.8 billion and 1.9 billion followers, respectively.

Are there 4000 religions?

They tend to base their morals and beliefs on their ideas about the cosmos and human nature. Some estimate there are about 4,200 religions, churches, and faith groups. These include tribes, cultures, and movements.

What is sin in Islam?

Sin is key in Islamic ethics. Muslims see it as anything that disobeys God’s commands or breaches religious laws. Islam teaches that sin is an act and not a state of being.

Is Japan Islam friendly?

Japan tolerates different religions. It is becoming more attuned to Muslim visitors’ needs. Muslim travelers should know there is no central agency for halal accreditation.

Are there Muslims in Japan?

Most estimates of the Muslim population in the 2000s give a range around 100,000 total. Islam remains a minority religion in Japan. The Modern Religion claimed in the 1990s that young, ethnic, married women convert to it more than others.

What religion is China?

The government recognizes five official religions: Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Protestantism, and Catholicism. Regulations require religious organizations to register with the government.

What religion is in Thailand?

In December 2021, the Department of Religious Affairs reported that 92.5% of the population is Buddhist, 5.4% Muslim, and 1.2% Christian. Other groups include animists, Confucians, Hindus, Jews, Sikhs, and Taoists.


In the end, Suki Sin is a very talented and busy lady! She acts in movies, models for pictures, loves hanging out with her dog, and does so many fun activities like swimming, drawing, and even baking cookies.

Suki also loves things that make her happy like chocolate ice cream, the color pink, and going on adventures in books. She’s like a superhero in real life with all the cool stuff she does. Suki shows us that doing what you love and sharing your happiness with others, including your pets, makes life super fun and colorful.


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